Care Planning

Train the Trainer

Total: £520.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title: Care Planning

Course length

Full Day

Maximum number to attend

Price per delegate per, please call 01376 573999 for additional delegates

This course is aimed at all staff working in the Health and Social Care sector who have the responsibility of assessing and planning care.

Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria

Introduction The Care Planning Process

Explain the care planning process

Explain how the person-centred care planning process differs from other forms of planning

Discuss how personal beliefs and preferences might influence the care planning and the person-centred care planning processes

Assessment Process

Explain the assessment process

The key worker in individual assessment

The team leader in individual assessment

Outline how this information may be gathered

Explain the role of observation

Risk Assessment

Define risky behaviour

Describe how risk could be assessed

Outline how they would incorporate this into the care planning process

Planning the Delivery of Care

Explain how care will be planned to meet identified needs

Explain how unmet needs will be identified and acted upon

Outline the individuals role in setting goals

Implementation of Care Plans

Explain the role of the care worker/team leader when implementing care

Explain how the care team become involved in the implementation of the care plan

Outline how the competence of teams can be assessed to ensure that they are able to deliver the care plan

Discuss the role of family and significant others in delivering care

Evaluate Plans and Processes

Identify the possible implications of care plans not being adhered to

Explain the possible implications of care plans not being adhered to

Storage of Care Plans

Discuss how information can be stored

Describe the legal framework that governs the storage of information

Discuss the principles of information release

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