Course Title: Medication Awareness and Competency Sign off
Course length
6 Hours
Maximum number to attend
Maximum of 6 delegates for competency sign off
This course is aimed at all staff involved with administering medication. The course begins with an overview of relevant legislation and guidance and provides awareness around administering medication as well as storage of medication. During the afternoon session, delegates (maximum of 6) will be assessed for competency by participating in a role play for administration of medication. The remainder of the group will complete a Medication Workbook Assessment whilst waiting for their individual assessment.
Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria
Introduction - Laws and Legislation
Understand the relevant laws and legislation applicable to medication administration and how these directly apply to care staff.
Administration of Medication and Labelling
Identify how to administer
Check medication against MAR sheet
Running out of Medication
Understand what to do:
During GP hours
Outside GP hours
British National Formulary (BNF)
Discuss in what circumstances BNF is used.
Infection Control
Identify the importance of:
Hand hygiene with regards to administering medication.
Consent and Capacity
The importance of consent
Convert Medication
Taking delivery of Medication
Discuss process of documenting delivering of medication.
Actions taken if medication cannot be accepted
Base Levels
Have an understanding of the importance of base levels; be able to identify a change in an individual’s condition and record/report appropriately.
Record Keeping
Medication Administration Record Information that must be included
Recording information conforming to the Data Protection Act.
Common Medications
(this will be specific to each service provider common medications will be identified at the start of the training session)
Identify medications used:
Contra indications
Side effects
Usual dosage
Medication Competency Sign off
(Maximum 6 delegates for sign off)
Complete medication work book
Assessment for competency in administering medication by Registered Nurse.
Signed competency documented will be provided to the on-site Manager.