Course Title: Dystonia Awareness
Course length 3 hours
Maximum number to attend 12
This course is aimed at all staff in the health and social care sector.
Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria
Introduction to Dystonia
What is dystonia
Causes of Dystonia
Identify possible causes of dystonia, which can include:
Inherited genetic problem
Cerebral Palsy
Multiple Sclerosis
Symptoms of Dystonia
Discuss different presentations of symptoms including:
Blinking and eye problems
Dystonic storms
Hand problems
Muscle spasms
Neck problems
Voice problems
Types of Dystonia
Identify different forms and effects of dystonia including:
Early-onset Dystonias
Adult-onset Dystonias
Acquired Dystonias
Treatments for Dystonia
Identify treatments available for Dystonia
At the end of the training session, there is a written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.