Dementia Dictionary


Dementia Dictionary

A dictionary that is built on first hand experiences.

Dementia Dictionary It is our belief that the best people to help create the content of the Dementia Dictionary are the people that have 'first hand' experience of supporting people with dementia.  Care professionals and families who have supported people through the journey of dementia have so much knowledge to share for the benefit of everyone.  Through the global Dementia Interpreters forum, they will be able to discuss different behaviours, noises, actions, emotions and situations that form the 'dementia language' and then translate these into an understandable language.  These will then be published onto the Dementia Dictionary and become freely available to all.

Working together to improve our understanding of Dementia.

Dementia Dictionary One of the biggest challenges for people that work with or live with people who have dementia are the progressive changes in communication that happen at each stage of the disease.  In most forms of dementia, the ability to speak as we normally would changes and therefore the brain finds new ways to communicate via actions, noises, behaviours, situations and body language.  This is called the 'Language of Dementia' and the Dementia Dictionary is the world's first, freely available service that allows us to translate these into a recognised language.  Working with the worldwide Dementia Interpreters network, we will work together to share experiences and ultimately help you to re-connect with the people that you support.  You will also find useful tips, information and preparation for what may happen in the future.


Our Goal

Dementia Dictionary The support of people who have dementia is still a relatively new industry and as we learn more about the diseases that fall under the umbrella of dementia, we start to understand the changes or adjustments that are so desperately needed.  Communication is one of the highest priorities as everything we do within this support starts with and entails the art of recognising and understanding the 'Language of Dementia'.   How does the environment, food, uniforms, colours, signage and much more talk to the person when they start or continue their personal pathway of dementia?  What adjustments can be made? How can we reconnect with them when they have lost the ability to speak as they always have? 

One person and/or one organisation does not have all the answers and in a world where 54 million people have a diagnosis of dementia, we need to work together to share ideas, successes and failures.   For the first time through the worldwide Dementia Interpreters network, we will connect families and dementia professionals of all levels to work together and translate the language of dementia.  This will then be freely shared with the world so that we can help families and support networks to re-connect with people who have dementia through the Dementia Dictionary.

Together we can make a change and give these amazing people the opportunity to always have their voice heard.