Needlestick and Bodily Fluids

Train the Trainer

Total: £600.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Needlestick and Bodily Fluids

Course length Full Day

Maximum number to attend, priced per delegate, please call 01376 573999 for additional delegates

This course is aimed at all staff working within Health and Social Care.  The course aims to raise awareness of the areas of work, personnel at risk and precautions that should be taken.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria


Current legislation surrounding needlestick injuries, including:

Health and Safety at Work Act

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Personal Protective Equipment Regulations


What is a sharp?

Risk of contamination

High risk fluids

Who is at risk?

Risk Management

Needlestick Injuries

What is a needlestick injury?

Reporting Sharps injuries

Needlestick procedure (local policy)

Reporting and investigating (local policy)

Standard precautions

Safer needle devices

Post injury treatment

Bodily Fluids

Identify the main BBVs

How BBVs are spread

Preventing and/or controlling risk

Employee precautions / Staff responsibilities

COSHH assessments

Managing spillages / Spillage kits / 

Cleaning methods

Incident reporting and RIDDOR

First aid for staff

At the end of the training session, there is a written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees.

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