Safeguarding Adults

Face to Face Training

From: £370.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title: Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

Course length

3 Hours

Maximum number to attend

Up to 12 delegates

This course is aimed at all staff in health and social care.

At the end of the training session, there is a short-written assessment to evidence the learning of the attendees

Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria

Introduction What is Abuse?

Define abuse

Explain the term safeguarding adults (10.1a)

Explain why an individual may be more vulnerable to harm or abuse. (10.1e)

Explain their own role and responsibilities in safeguarding individuals. (10.1b)

Describe what constitutes restrictive practices. (10.1f)

Explain the importance of sharing information with the relevant agencies. (10.4b)

List the multi-agencies involved with preventing and dealing with abuse and explain their role.

List relevant legislation, local and national policies and procedures which relate to safeguarding adults. (10.4a)

Identify groups of people who are more vulnerable than others.

Suggest practice that can prevent incidents of abuse.

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