
Face to Face Training

Total: £850.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Course Title:  Safe Handling of Medication 

Course length 6 hours

Maximum number to attend 12 

This course is aimed at all staff involved with administering medication, specifically those new to administering medication.

The course begins with an overview of relevant legislation and guidance and provides awareness around administering medication as well as storage of medication.

The full day course provides more in-depth knowledge surrounding administration of medication and includes transdermal patches, ear and eye drops, inhalers and creams.

Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria

Laws and Legislation

Understand the relevant laws and legislation applicable to medication administration and how these directly apply to care staff.  These will include:

Human Medicines Regulations 2012

Misuse of Drugs Act 1971

Health and Social Care Act 2008

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Care Standards Act 2000

COSHH 2002


Administration of Medication

Identify how to administer from:

Blister Packs

Non-Blister Packs

Check medication against MAR sheet.


Understand course of action if:

There is a discrepancy

What to do if incorrect dose against label on box.

Understand what to do:

Running out of Medication

Understand what to do:

During GP hours

Outside GP hours

British National Formulary (BNF)

Discuss in what circumstances BNF is used.

Identify the importance of:

Hand hygiene with regards to administering medication.

General infection control awareness

Administer medication via different routes

Identify different routes of medication administration including:

Transdermal patches

Ear/Eye/Nose drops



Consent and Capacity

The importance of consent

Convert Medication

Taking delivery of Medication

Discuss process of documenting delivering of medication.

Actions taken if medication cannot be accepted

Base Levels

Have an understanding of the importance of base levels; be able to identify a change in an individuals condition and record/report appropriately. 

Record Keeping

Medication Administration Record – Information that must be included

Recording information conforming to the Data Protection Act.

Medication Disposal (out of date and/or part used medication)

Discuss the process for disposal of medication in line with current laws and legislation


Group work

Complete a workbook based on the taught elements of this course

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