Inclusive Virtual Dementia Tour

Additional charges apply for the weekend

Total: £1,040.00(Exc VAT)
Course Details

Inclusive Virtual Dementia Tour

We have had so many people say that the Virtual Dementia Tour is the best dementia training that they have ever had and should be mandatory for everyone who works with people with dementia.  Many asked what is next? and we now have the next stage to the traditional VDT.

The Dementia Inclusive VDT means that delegates experience the VDT as they have traditionally and then go through to another environment where we have changed everything to show what their lives could be like if we just made changes to the environment and our practice.

Virtual Dementia Tour

The learner will be able to

  • Explain some of the physical and sensory changes that as person living with dementia may experience.

  • Explain how the environment can help or hinder a person living with dementia

  • Describe ways to make the environment conducive for someone living with dementia

  • Identify ways to improve communication for people living with dementia

  • Understand the importance of person-centred care and approaches for people living with dementia

  • Understand how to challenge stereotyping and labelling of people living with dementia

  • Relate to how a person with dementia may feel in an unfamiliar environment and identify ways to support the person.

  • Describe ways that care and support staff can change their practice to improve the lives of people living with dementia and help them achieve positive outcomes

  • Explain the importance for people with dementia to have meaningful activities and are supported in an inclusive environment.

  • Describe ways to promote dignity and respect for people living with dementia

Inclusive Virtual Dementia Tour

  • Experience and identify how to improve the physical and sensory changes that a person with dementia may experience.
  • Recognise the environmental changes needed to improve the lives of people with dementia.
  • Experience and identify the correct ways to improve communication.
  • Build a person-centred care approach.

Build simple activities that are engaging for people with dementia.

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