T2C News

Posted: 5/07/2024 in T2C News
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Peterborough nurses given special training to help communication with dementia patients.
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Pioneering dementia bus set for Wirral stop on awareness-raising tour
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New Race Against Dementia Van at Silverstone
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ROAR B2B Launches UK Care Week
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New National Care Awareness Report gives care professionals a voice and shines light on UK Care Sector
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Fantastic Feedback for the Autism Reality Experience

We recently received some fantastic feedback on our Autism Reality Experience from Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust. Read how this innovative training helped this healthcare trust better understand the challenges faced by those suffering with autism.

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Dementia Champions at MTW NHS Trust undertake VDT

The Maidstone and Tumbridge Wells NHS Trust recently used to Virtual Dementia Tour to give their Dementia Champions an insight into the daily challenges faced by those living with dementia and how changes to the way they care for sufferers could help reduce distress and confusion.

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Autism Reality Experience at Essex County Council

We recently took the Training2Care Autism Reality Experience to Chelmsford where Essex County Council were able to experience the realities of living with Autism and gain a better understanding of how we can better care for those on the spectrum.

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Protective Face Shields Available Now

Face Shields provide effective protection against airbourne viruses such as the Covid-19 Coronavirus. Training 2 Care now have available, in stock, high-quality reusable face shields to buy online at cost-effective prices.

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Distributing PPE to the Care Sector

Glenn Knight, managing director at Training 2 Care has committed to helping the national effort in the war against the Covid-19 Coronavirsu. We have been delivering Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to care providers and associations.

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Winchester Mayor takes Dementia Tour

Elenor Bell, the Mayor of Winchester recently took part in the Training 2 Care Virtual Dementia Tour as part of a special training day at a city care home.

In a recent article from the Southern Daily Echo, the Mayor explained her experience on the tour. 

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Coronavirus Safe Training
Coronavirus Safe Training
Posted: 1/04/2020 in T2C News

We are committed to providing quality training to care staff and professionals during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Find out about our innovative webinar training and how Training2Care will continue to provide quality face-to-face training during this difficult time.

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Help Us with Covid-19 Testing
Help Us with Covid-19 Testing
Posted: 31/03/2020 in T2C News

Glenn Knight, Managing Director, explains how Training 2 Care would like to help the national effort by providing mobile Covid-19 testing stations.

We need your help to share this offer so we can do everything we can in the national effort to beat Coronavirus

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VDT Launches Shefford Dementia Drive

We were delighted to showcase the Virtual Dementia Tour bus at the recent launch of Shefford's drive to become dementia-friendly.

The dementia-drive was hosted by the new 23-bed Daffodil House facility for those suffering with the condition and attended by the mayor and Training2Care.

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Virtual Dementia Tour at Monread Lodge

Monread Lodge care home recently welcomed the Virtual Dementia Tour to give their care staff an insight into what it's like to live with dementia.

Find out more about the Virtual Dementia Tour's trip to Monread Lodge and how the VDT can help your company or organisation.

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Virtual Dementia Tour Travels to Wrexham this February

Our Virtual Dementia Van is doing a tour of Wrexham this February.

In this article we look at where the Virtual Dementia Bus will be visiting on this tour.

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See Us at the Alzheimer's Show at Olympia London

We are exibiting our Virtual Dementia Tour at the Alzheimers show at London's Olympia exhibition centre from 7th-8th June 2019. We will be exhibiting alongside Alzheimer's Research UK to help carers and the general public to better understand the impact of living with Alzheimer's.

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West London NHS Trust Welcome Dementia Bus

A West London NHS Trust has employed the assistance of the Training 2 Care Dementia Bus to give their nurses a better understanding of what it is like to live with the condition. This was reported recently in the Nursing Times.

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